Student Council

The student council represents the voice of all students at Erasmushogeschool Brussels. We reach out beyond just your education. This can range from study fees, class schedules, sports activities to restauratns menus. 


Who or what are stuvers? 

Stuvers stands for student representative. They are the voice of all EhB students. This extends beyond just within the programma. 


They provide advice to Erasmus University College Brussels. 

Both at program level and within the departments, lectures and students enter into dialogue with each other to perfect operations tailored to the student. Themes can come at the request of the college or just as easily from their own initiative. 


You can participate in student policies outside EhB through external councils (eg VVS, UAB, UAB sport, Brik , BAST). 

Stuvers also carry the voice of students outside the Erasmushogeschool Brussel. 


You grow as a student + get support from student coach. 

As a Stuver, you come into contact with different people, themes through which you continue the develop yourself. You learn to hold meetings, work together and take initiave. Thanks to the student coach, you are not alone and you receive the necessary guidance.