Nursing for exchange students

To train our health care professionals we use evidence-based teaching methods and have a hands-on approach. To be optimally prepared for subsequent traineeships in real medical settings, student nurses, midwives, doctors and specialists train essential competences in our Skills and Simulation Center, a lifelike yet safe simulation environment.

Erasmus + exchange in Nursing 

We are happy to invite you to do an internship in Nursing, through the Erasmus+ exchange programme! There are possibilities both in the fall and in the spring semester. We try to do everything possible to offer you an internship in your preferred field such as surgery, paediatrics, psychiatry, geriatrics, ...

For more information on the specifics of the internships, please consult the courses and credits below. 

Programme timing 

Fall semester: September 23, 2024 – January 31, 2025

  • Survival Dutch(*): September 9 - September 19, 2024
  • EhB Welcome Days: September 19 and 20, 2024
  • Fall holidays: October 28 – November 3, 2024
  • Winter holidays: December 23, 2024 - January 5, 2025
  • Exam period: January 6 - January 31, 2025

(*) We strongly recommend students coming in the fall semester to participate in the Survival Dutch course.

Spring semester: February 10 – June 30, 2025

  • Welcome Day: February 7, 2025
  • Course period: February 10 - May 30, 2025
  • Spring holidays: April 7 – April 20, 2025 
  • Exam period: June 2 - June 30, 2025

Courses and credits

International Work Placement 1

This placement can be done in combination with International Work Placement 2.

Through this placement, students are given the opportunity to do an internship within Europe that is part of the curriculum. The duration of the internship is 12 weeks.
The aim is for the student to further develop his/her nursing technical competences and to become acquainted with cultural differences in nursing and health care. Students are supervised by a local supervisor and connected electronically with the internal supervisor of the programme. The preparation of the internship and the possible application for a travel grant is done in consultation with the Erasmus Coordinator for Nursing.

This internship is preceded by several moments of consultation, preparation and reflection. After the international experience, the student must make a report on the internship and share his/her experiences with the other students of the nursing course.

Language of instruction: English & French 

Recommended timing: from November to end of January / beginning of February 

International Work Placement 2

This placement can be done in combination with International Work Placement 1.

Through this placement, students are given the opportunity to do an internship within Europe that is part of the curriculum. The duration of the internship is 12 weeks.
The aim is for the student to further develop his/her nursing technical competences and to become acquainted with cultural differences in nursing and health care. Students are supervised by a local supervisor and connected electronically with the internal supervisor of the programme. The preparation of the internship and the possible application for a travel grant is done in consultation with the Erasmus Coordinator for Nursing.

This internship is preceded by several moments of consultation, preparation and reflection. After the foreign experience, the student must make a report on the internship and share his/her experiences with the other students of the nursing course.

Language of instruction: English & French 

Recommended timing: from beginning of February to end of June

Internationale Case Management 4

To guide students in transcultural care, theoretical content will be offered around transcultural theories and models, religion-based practices, culture-based health care modalities, as well as cultural health assessment. The students work together on a paper articulating the result. This paper includes not only the elaboration of the assignments but also a group reflection report. As an additional activity, students will participate in an online project with an international focus on medical care.

Language of instruction: English

Internationale Case Management 3

In this project, several basic skills need to be acquired, such as consulting in groups, working together, dealing with stress and time pressure, delivering a result, etc., and this within an international context.
The themes in the project work closely with the professional field. Theoretical aspects are thus given a practical content. Knowledge and skills from different disciplines can be related and applied.
The students must integrate their already acquired knowledge and skills. The students work together on a paper in which the result is expressed. This paper includes not only the elaboration of the assignments but also a group reflection report. As an additional activity, students will participate in various projects with an international focus.

Language of instruction: English

Survival Dutch

The aim of the "Survival Dutch" course is to master the basics of the Dutch language, both written and spoken. Starting from everyday situations, you will learn the necessary grammar and vocabulary in order to function in a Dutch speaking environment.

We strongly recommend incoming students to participate in the Survival Dutch course, organized prior to the start of the semester, from September 9th - 19th.

Futures Studies

How does one orient itself towards the future -or should we say futures-, in an ever-changing world? Through participation in a hands-on futures research project related to your area of expertise, you will gain a better understanding on how to navigate future worlds.  Together we will learn how to give meaning to the many changes unfolding around us and empower you to actively co-create more sustainable futures for all.
At the end of the course you will understand the relevance of futures research for your specific work context and have gained a ‘futures literacy’ skillset which allows you to think about the future in a more rich, resilient, systemic and creative way.

Evaluation: Portfolio

Navigating the World of AI

Artificial Intelligence or AI is a buzzword today and remains a concept poorly understood, vague, and often approached with fear of the unknown or with false hopes about what can be achieved. The course "Navigating the world of Artificial Intelligence" aims to introduce non-IT students to some of the basic concepts, principles, and techniques that fall under the umbrella term AI and offers a more nuanced understanding on the topic. This course is specifically designed for students with no technical background. This is not a coding course! Instead this is an introductory course that enables students to think critically, creatively and ethically about the implementation of AI technology.

Through exercises, you will be encouraged to investigate the general impact of AI in your own field to then further conceptualize what that could mean for a specific organization within your field. The students are guided through these exercises via online course material and regular discussions with peers. 


Brussels Health Campus

Campus Jette

Brussels Health Campus

Brussels Health Campus is located in Jette in the green outskirts of Brussels. We work closely with UZ Brussel and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, which are all located on the same campus. The campus belongs to the medical world top and is an expertise centre in Belgium. 
You can easily reach our campus by public transport. 

Laarbeeklaan 121
1090 Jette

Find the Campus on Google Maps.

Study costs

Study costs are covered by the Erasmus+ Study agreement.
Additional costs are limited and are clearly mentioned on the course descriptions.

How to apply

1. Preliminary steps at your home institution

  • Your home institution needs to have an inter-institutional agreement with Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Check if this is the case by consulting with your home insititution or directly on the Mobility Online platform.
  • Follow the application process at your home institution in order to be nominated as a participant of the Erasmus+ program.
  • B2 CEFR reference level in English is required. Check with your home institution and verify that you have reached this level.

2. Registering with EhB  

3. Completing the Learning Agreement Before in Mobility Online

  • Contact the Academic Erasmus coordinator of this course (contact details are on the bottom of this page) to define your academic exchange programme.
  • Write the details down in the Learning Agreement Before (in Mobility Online). Upload your Learning Agreement Before at least 1 month before the start of your exchange. 


Erasmushogeschool Brussel
Brussels Health Campus
Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Jette

Contact for Erasmus students
Erasmus Coordinator Nursing: 
International Office:
International Office - Coordinator for incoming students: