Landscape and Garden Architecture
Design Studio, Integrated Landscape project
More information coming soon!
Design studio, Integrated Garden project
This design studio starts with a 2 or 4-day stay onsite that allows students to take a thorough inventory and analysis of the study and project area. The design project includes a larger garden (landscape or otherwise) or a semi-public space with garden features. The design process is done both in groups and individually.
The following design themes will be addressed:
- Sustainable and climate adaptive design
- Landscape interpretation of the design project through fieldwork on the site
- Historical context
- Private space versus semi-public space
- Individual waste water treatment (IBA)
- Lighting
- Integrated design/ file
- Swimming event and wellness in the private gardens
Design Studio
In this studio you will work out a planting plan for a subarea of the Integrated Project Public Space. You learn to select the right "groenvorm", and plant assortment "the right plant on the right place" besides you are able to make appropriate choices related to the management.
Plan Design is an individual proces to a personal style of presentation. Through research on styles and the principle of a moodboard, the student learns to communicate in a clear way with help of a digital presentation technique (InDesign). The student learns to develop a personal style for the presentation of his design assignments. The focus wil be on text and image. In 'image' a lot of attention goes to uniformity in the general layout, based on the concept of corporate identity (template). Text focuses on both the spoken word and typography.
During the “Construction Design” workshops, the student is guided to work out part of a construction file for his/hers own design assignment. This construction file contains a number of mandatory drawings that are explained based on a checklist that will be used during the lessons. The compulsory drawings that will be covered are:
- list of plans
- technical structure plan
- technical details
- technical enlargements
- terrain cross-section
Design Studio, Garden
Design assignment garden 1:
the design of an architectural garden in which design and experiential value (viewing the garden) are the most important starting points and in which the main focus is on composition and design language.
Design assignment garden 2:
the design of a larger family garden where, in addition to design and spatial effect, attention is also given to functionality and experiential value.
A preliminary study into the processing of organic waste and the application of an ecological pond will be established.
Design Studio, Walk the Landscape
The student works under supervision on a personal, individual first case concerning the macro level of our professional world: the landscape (landscape level 1).
In this first landscape assignment the student will analyse and design a self-chosen walking area, during 3 phases:
- Phase 1 : Designing a walking route
- Phase 2 : Observing and experiencing the landscape.
- Experiencing the unique experience of the landscape.
- Recognising and representing the characteristics of a landscape.
- Phase 3 : Impressive design based on the following aspects:
- Shape, rhythm and variety o Experience and character of the landscape
- Movement in the landscape o Activities in the landscape.
Theoretical knowledge of the landscape walk as support and process for the landscape project:
- Visual-spatial analysis of the landscape walk, representation of the experience.
- Impression-increasing design
Design Studio, Neighborhood Parks
The design assignment consists of designing a neighbourhood park. The existing spatial and functional context of both the project area and the surrounding area are analysed.
The analysed elements of the existing situation form the basis for a new vision. Concepts concretise this vision and structure the public space, both spatially and functionally.
Analysis, synthesis, moodboard, vision and concepts lay down the outlines for a coherent and well-founded design. By means of floor plans, sections and sketches the student can bring a clear and understandable design story.
The student receives specific information from the professional world, examples and plans in order to be able to work out the design assignment.
- Introduction to public space
- The basis of a design method
- The students receive information about the various aspects of designing public space through example projects on public space.
- The students are explained the concept with reference to their design assignment, in which they have to apply it.
Design Studio, Field Trip
The 5-day study trip brings students into contact, both theoretically and in practice, with realised projects by leading international landscape and garden architects, architects, artists and spatial planners. During the study trip the student increases his international involvement and awareness, he gains insight into cultural differences, values and norms. The study trip emphasizes specific and current themes and "global issues", such as: climate, food, health, urbanisation, migration, energy, ...
Architecture, art, spatial planning, garden and landscape are central to this study trip. The international context of each project is discussed and explained on location.
In preparation for the study trip, the student examines one of the locations/sites to be visited (pre-site visit). Whether or not with (a) fellow student(s) or on an independent basis. He makes an inventory and analyses the necessary data via international professional literature and magazines, portfolios, internet and other sources. The preliminary research results in a paper that is presented to a group of fellow students on location during the study trip. The theoretical research is tested on location/on site against practice and reality (site visit). The realized design is inventoried and analysed. Finally, a paper is submitted with the comparative results of pre-site and site visit.
The study trip is supported by a travel syllabus that combines all the data from the projects and fits in with an international perspective.
Additional costs: more or less 600€
Semester 4 Design Studio
In this studio you will work out a planting plan for a subarea of the Integrated Project Public Space. You learn to select the right "groenvorm", and plant assortment "the right plant on the right place" besides you are able to make appropriate choices related to the management.
Plan Design is an individual proces to a personal style of presentation. Through research on styles and the principle of a moodboard, the student learns to communicate in a clear way with help of a digital presentation technique (InDesign). The student learns to develop a personal style for the presentation of his design assignments. The focus wil be on text and image. In 'image' a lot of attention goes to uniformity in the general layout, based on the concept of corporate identity (template). Text focuses on both the spoken word and typography.
During the “Construction Design” workshops, the student is guided to work out part of a construction file for his/hers own design assignment. This construction file contains a number of mandatory drawings that are explained based on a checklist that will be used during the lessons. The compulsory drawings that will be covered are:
- list of plans
- technical structure plan
- technical details
- technical enlargements
- terrain cross-section
Design Studio, Integrated Project Public Space
During the design studio 'Integrated Project Public Space' you will develop a Structure Plan and Master Plan for the study area. In the thematic analysis you investigate the influences of the environment on the project area.
In the last phase the focus is on designing the project area and the design details. In this integrated project you work simultaneously on a planting design and a technical design for a sub-area of the project.
Observation, Image Representation, Digital Representation CAD
During the first lessons an introduction will be given on the basic principles of the structure (screen layout, menu’s, display) of the autoCAD program and the use of the important drawing and modify commands. In the later lessons a theoretical framework is presented for each subject and then practiced with help from the teacher. The subjects are: dimensions, matches, leaders, texts, tables, polylines, layers and layouts. The ultimate goal of the first year autoCAD is to enable the student to draw up a simple garden plan with attention to the correct reproduction of texts, dimensions, hatches and to print this drawing in a self-defined layout.
The student:
- has observation skills en can make free hand drawings,
- trees
- people
- landscapes
- sitting elements
- is able to make a presentation, using a perspective with 2 flight points (free hand) and apply shadow techniques,
- sections and plan elaboration with scale difference
- 2-point perspective: shadows + reflections in water
- is able to make a plan presentation
- is familiar with drawing materials pencil, ink, colored pencil, markers, watercolor
Digital Representation SketchUp, Image Representation
During the first lessons an introduction will be given on the basic principles of the structure (screen layout, menu’s, display) of the autoCAD program and the use of the important drawing and modify commands. In the later lessons a theoretical framework is presented for each subject and then practiced with help from the teacher. The subjects are: dimensions, matches, leaders, texts, tables, polylines, layers and layouts. The ultimate goal of the first year autoCAD is to enable the student to draw up a simple garden plan with attention to the correct reproduction of texts, dimensions, hatches and to print this drawing in a self-defined layout.
The student:
- is able to use the basic techniques for building 3D models,
- is able to convert a 2D plan into a digital model,
- is able to asses spatial design with SketchUp,
- is able to visually express garden or landscape designs with Sketchup,
- is able to generate Sketchup models as a basis for visualizations,
- is able to use Sketchup as a tool to solve spatial design issues.
The student:
- is able to visualize any idea conceptually,
- is able to illustrate a story using the reprocessing techniques of their own choice,
- is able to illustrate a story in a three-dimensional way,
- is able to make a film depiction of their own story.
The internship will teach you how to function in a professional framework, how to deal with and communicate with manager(s) and colleagues, how to handle assignments of an “;actual” principal with his wishes and demands. Furthermore, the internship has a lot to offer to you personally: learning a new language (optional) or being confronted with a new country and/or culture, interacting with other people (colleagues, bosses, clients, …;) how to deal with stress factors, how to work under time pressure, …;
How to apply: selection for an internship will be upon portfolio, please prepare your portfolio in advance, our Erasmus coordinator will provide you a list with Belgian design offices, the intern is responsible for contacting these offices end sending in his/her portfolio, selection will be upon portfolio by the design office. Our university cannot guarantee that you’ll be selected, selection depends on the quality of your portfolio.
When to apply: you'll start your application process min. 5 months before the start of the internship, (September 1 if internship starts on February 1), 2 months before the start of the internship your application procedure should be finalized. (December 1 if internship starts on February 1), delayed applications will be rejected.
Survival Dutch
The aim of the "Survival Dutch" course is to master the basics of the Dutch language, both written and spoken. Starting from everyday situations, you will learn the necessary grammar and vocabulary in order to function in a Dutch speaking environment.
We strongly recommend incoming students to participate in the Survival Dutch course, organized prior to the start of the semester: September 4th - 14th
Language of instruction: English and Dutch.
Erasmushogeschool Brussel
Brussels Health Campus
Laarbeeklaan 121, 1090 Jette
Erasmus Coordinator Landscape and Garden Architecture: erik.van.mullem@ehb.be
International Office: international.office@ehb.be
International Office - Coordinator for incoming students: karen.laleeuwe@ehb.be