Supervisory Board

Among other things, the Supervisory Board approves the misson, the strategic objectives, the multi-year strategic plan and the budget.

They help determine the educational project of the university of applied sciences and the legal status of students.

The RvT is the highest body of the college and supervises the fulfilment of the college's mission by the governing body, which is the Executive Board (BoG). It meets at least three times a year.

This council includes 2 student representatives (1 male and 1 female) on behalf of all EhB students. The student representatives who sit on the Supervisory Board automatically become members of the General Student Council (ASR) in order to feed back to the ASR the issues dealt with from the Supervisory Board. 

Cansel - RvT

Cansel Yelboga

  • Afgevaardigde Raad van Toezicht
  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR GDT

Sin Jonkers

  • Afgevaardigde Raad van Toezicht
  • Bestuurslid ASR
  • Bestuurslid DSR RITCS