
1. Students of foreign nationality allowed or authorized to stay in Belgium for an indefinite period of time, as determined by the law of December 15 1980 concerning access to the territory, the residence, establishment and deportation of non-nationals, to be proved by the residence permit of a citizen of a Member Country of the European Communities (annex 8 or annex 9), or the identity card for a foreigner (annex 7) or the proof of registration in the register of foreign nationals (annex 6), in accordance with Article 31 of the Royal Decree of October 8 1981 concerning access to the territory, the residence, establishment and deportation of non-nationals;

2. Students who are victim of human trafficking, attested by a center acknowledged by the federal government, specialized in the reception of victims of human trafficking;

3. Students of foreign nationality allowed or authorized to stay in Belgium for a definite period of time on the basis of Article 48/4 of the law of December 15 1980 concerning access to the territory, the residence, establishment and deportation of non-nationals;

4. Students who have stayed in Belgium for an uninterrupted period of at least 12 months on December 31 of the concerned school or academy year, and this legitimate residence permit was not granted for the purpose of following higher education or working, nor granted in anticipation of a decision in an asylum procedure to be recognized as refugee or as person entitled to subsidiary protection, in accordance with the law of December 15 1980 concerning access to the territory, the residence, establishment and deportation of non-nationals;

5. Students who, on basis of Articles 10, 10bis, [[40bis or 40ter]], of the law of December 15 1980 concerning access to the territory, the residence, establishment and deportation of non-nationals, are allowed to accompany or apply to a person as meant in § 1 or § 2, 1° to 7° inclusive of current article, or to a person legitimately staying in Belgium for a period of at least 12 months on December 31 of the concerned school or academy year in order to follow higher education or to work;

6. Students seeking asylum or whose parents are seeking asylum, and the student is staying in Belgium since his minority and has not lodged an asylum request by himself. The asylum request was deemed admissible before June 1 2007 and their procedure is still pending with the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, the Appeal Committee for Refugees or the Council for Alien Law Litigation.