Would you like to organize an activity for your fellow students yourself?
Before submitting your application for project funding, please review the conditions beforehand.
You can ask for financial project aid for project that have a sportive, cultural, social or ecological value.
Only non profitable and non-educational activities
The project must be open to a relevant number of EhB students
The project must take place within the current academic year and must take place before 30th June.
Some important facts
You must submit your application for a project subsidy at least 1 month in advance (same for RITCS café). All events must take place before June 30th in the current academic year.
The granted amount may only be spent on the project linked to the grant.
Would you like to have a conversation with a STUVO colleague before filling out the project subsidy application? That's possible! If your event takes place in the RITCS café, you can contact Alexia; for other events, you may contact Mathilde!