Christian Widdaschenk

Christian Widdaschenk
Professor at Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin

The workshop deals with the importance as well as the meaning of different cultural concepts to enhance our understanding of urban culture and what we think about the impact of migration on people. 

In order to facilitate this, on the one hand we will get to know some very defined, short and practical theoretical concepts and on the other hand we will use artistic work and methods to understand the deeper meaning of these concepts. The workshop intends to encourage us to use the experiences and professional pedagogues as well as in our private lives. 

title of lecture
04/12 Culture, Migration and Urbanity Crea, campus Jette 10am - 1pm
04/12 Culture, Migration and Urbanity Crea, campus Jette 2pm - 5pm
05/12 Culture, Migration and Urbanity Crea, campus Jette 10am - 1pm