Mario Kubaš

Mario Kubaš
Assistant Professor, Mgr. Mario Kubaš, Ph.D.

Mgr. Mario Kubaš Ph.D. is an Arts manager, a journalist and a former film actor. He teaches Culture Economy, Creative industries and Media at the University of Economics in Praha. For more than five years he worked for the main channel of the public Czech Television where as a reporter made reports for the evening news.

Furthermore, he worked as an editor and a moderator, Mario used to have own TV show Kulturama. As an Arts manager he worked for one of the best baroque orchestra in the world Collegium 1704, he is a director of the theatre festival Modry Kocour. Mario loves sailing.

Every summer he sails on several boats in Adriatic Sea together with his students and friends.

Title of lecture

Inside the heads of journalists. How do they construct the news?

Venue of lecture, timing Campus Bloemenhof, aula , 4/12/2018, 4 pm