Maeve McArdle


Dr Maeve McArdle is a full-time lecturer in the School of Business and Humanities at Dundalk Institute of Technology and Visiting Professor at Heilbronn University, Germany. Maeve is an experienced lecturer with previous involvement in community volunteering. With experience in both qualitative and quantitative research, Maeve’s current research interests lie in social marketing, sustainable consumption and the Sustainable Development Goals. More recently, Maeve has become a board member of Development Perspectives, an Irish educational NGO.


Title of lecture

English language.

Lecture title: Closing the loop for a circular economy

The successful transition to a circular economy will be achieved only when society moves from the traditional linear model of ‘take-make-dispose’ to a circular model where individuals engage in pro-environmental behaviour. Although people profess a willingness to act in a pro-environmental way, they often fail to do so in practice which is known as the value-action gap (Blake, 1999). The research question chosen for this study set out to examine the value-action gap for recycled products and explore the role of values and reasons in understanding pro-environmental behaviour in a competitive shopping context.

Lecture Session

(a) The challenge of achieving a Circular Economy at a micro level

(b) The value-action gap in closing the loop for routine products

(c) Empirical research from an Irish context

Venue of lecture, timing Campus Bloemenhof - 3.12 - 05/12/2019 - 11:15 t 12:45