Health Care & Landscape Architecture - International Lecturers

Erasmus University College is very pleased to present the second edition of EhB International Days from Wednesday 4 December until Friday 6 December, 2019. 

Scroll down to meet the lecturers who will enrich the dialogue and enhance your intercultural competences.

Metallinou Dimitra

Metallinou Dimitra

Midwife in the Neonatal Intensive care unit in the Alexandra hospital.

Dimitra Metallinou visited Brussels and the Erasmus Hogeschool in 2017 as a lecturer during the interesting training of “Prenatal yoga”. 
Dimitra Metallinou combines her work at the NICU in the (public) general hospital “Alexandra” with teaching on neonatal care in the faculty of Midwifery (university of West Attica) and Aegean college of midwifery. 
Next to her professional tasks in the different academic fields and the hospital, she started her doctoral degree in 2016 with the specialization on neonatology and clinical biochemistry. 


Hillebrand Peter


February, 2007 to current
    Clinical Dietitian, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien
    Internship instructor (2009 to current)
    Head Dietitian (2011-2011, 2016-2017)
    (General Hospital Vienna, Medical University of Vienna)

    2007-2009: University Clinic of Psychiatry
    2007-2008: University Clinic of Gynecology    
    2007-2008: University Clinic of Internal Medicine II, department of Cardiology and Angiology
    Dietetic treatment and counseling of inpatients and outpatients
    “Schritt für Schrit zum Wunschgewicht”, healthy eating course, instructor
    “Gesünder leben leicht gemacht”, healthy eating course for people with psychiatric dieseases, instructor

    2008-current: University Clinic of Internal Medicine III, department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
    Dietetic treatment and counseling of inpatients and outpatients, escpecially patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease and cystic fibrosis

May, 2009 to current
    Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Vienna
    Hepatology for Bachelor students
    Gastroenterology for Bachelor students
    Psychiatry for Bachelor students
    Nutritional counselling techniques for Bachelor students

October, 2013 to current
    Affiliate Member, medfkf
    Private practice specializing in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Surgery
    Nutritional counseling for clients