Gwinnett, Claire

Gwinnett, Claire - Staffordshire University
Associate Professor, Dr

I have worked in forensic science for 14 years and I am currently an Associate Professor in Forensic and Crime Science, the Research Lead for the Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Department and Chair of the Forensic Fibres and Microplastic International Research Group at Staffordshire University in the UK. My main areas of expertise are trace evidence, forensic proficiency testing, forensic database production and microplastics analysis. My research interests include the development of trace evidence databases, the development of new fibres analysis methods, textile damage, transfer and persistence studies, the development of forensic science training for lawyers and the use of multiple choice questions in determining competency in forensic practitioners. I have been designing, implementing and managing funded projects in the forensic science practice and teaching for many years and now work with over 30 different global organisations and police forces outside of  the UK on developing new approaches to both trace evidence analysis and microplastic pollution. 

I am currently the lead in Crime Scene Investigations for the Staffordshire Forensics Partnership and work with all 43 UK police forces in the design of validation studies for crime scene work. 
Currently, I am working with UK and European Police forces and forensic providers including the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) in testing of a new method, developed and patented at Staffordshire University, which will enhance forensic fibres work across the world. I have presented over 60 papers at national and international forensic science, higher education and law conferences for over 10 years and have published 8 book chapters and over 20 articles in forensic science related topics. 

I also act as a consultant to forensic veterinarians in the UK, Kenya and Brazil in species identification of animal hair from crime scenes.  I have been working in wildlife crime analysis and training for over 9 years, training veterinarians, and other personnel involved in the investigation of crimes involving animals, on Improve International’s (CPD provider for workers in animal industries) General Practitioner Certificate in Forensics and Law – GPCert(F&L) course.