Grading system and culture

The Flemish grading system is based on grades ranging from 0 to 20, with 10/20 being the pass grade.

Successful students at EhB generally attain the following grades:

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
100.00% 90.75% 79.58% 64.78% 48.87% 30.77% 17.51% 8.12% 3.26% 0.87% 0.17%


How to interpret these numbers?

In the table above, all grades that mark a pass and above (10-20) are displayed. The row below indicates the accumulated frequency distribution of all successful students who have obtained the grade in the row above.

For example, 90.75% of all successful students obtained a grade of 11 or above while 79.58% obtained a grade of 12 or above. Only 0.17% of all successful students obtained the highest grade.


How does EhB communicate the results obtained by students on (Erasmus)mobility?

Upon completion of the study mobility period at EhB, a Transcript of Records (ToR) will be issued. This document contains an overview of all courses or subjects taken up by the student and the results obtained. Attached to the ToR a grade distribution scale, specific to the field of studies, is added. This allows the home institution to convert the grades obtained at EhB.

The ToR is sent by e-mail to the international office of the students home university, with a copy to the student in, in the month following the end of the examination period. If needed an original copy is send by mail as well.


How does EhB convert grades obtained abroad?

EhB uses the EGRACONS Grade Conversion System to convert the grades its students obtained abroad.
Read the ECTS Users' Guide for help interpreting the Grade Conversion System.