Education and Pedagogy- International Lecturers

Erasmus University College is very pleased to present the first edition of EhB International Days from Monday 3 December until Wednesday 5 December, 2018. 

Scroll down to meet the lecturers who will enrich the dialogue and enhance your intercultural competences.

Cécile Sellincourt

Cécile Sellincourt

Centre de formation l'Horizon (Malakoff)

Psychometrician therapist, Cécile worked a long time with children and their parents. Nowadays, she works in different institutions and takes care of professionals who need help with thinking about their practice. 

title of lecture
04/12 Maison verte - parentalité 5010, campus Jette 2pm - 5pm
05/12 Maison verte - parentalité 5010, campus Jette 10am - 1pm


Christian Widdaschenk

Christian Widdaschenk

Professor at Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin

The workshop deals with the importance as well as the meaning of different cultural concepts to enhance our understanding of urban culture and what we think about the impact of migration on people. 

In order to facilitate this, on the one hand we will get to know some very defined, short and practical theoretical concepts and on the other hand we will use artistic work and methods to understand the deeper meaning of these concepts. The workshop intends to encourage us to use the experiences and professional pedagogues as well as in our private lives. 

title of lecture
04/12 Culture, Migration and Urbanity Crea, campus Jette 10am - 1pm
04/12 Culture, Migration and Urbanity Crea, campus Jette 2pm - 5pm
05/12 Culture, Migration and Urbanity Crea, campus Jette 10am - 1pm



Delphine Bodin

Delphine Bodin

Trainer at the center for early childhood educators (Paris)

Having studied and worked in contexts of socio-cultural animation and understanding of groups of adolescents, Delphine Bodin was able to experiment and bring to life various socio-sporting projects for adolescents and adults in great difficulty. Subsequently, she decided to focus on early childhood and became an educator of young children in initial training. She has worked in child protection and street prevention, with people affected by precariousness and immigration. Today she is a trainer and a volunteer in a social pedagogy association, transmitting her different experiences and values. 

Her workshop deals with social pedagogy and an experience of intervention in the street, at the foot of buildings, in slums and in social hotels. The idea is to transmit through the media of photography, the view of the other living in situations of precariousness and immigration and the effects of this view. 

title of lecture
04/12 Roma dans la ville 3107, campus Jette 10am - 1pm
05/12 Maison verte - parentalité 5010 10am - 1pm


Gabriel Lemkow Tovias

Gabriel Lemkow Tovias

Research coordinator, International Exchange students Coordinator at Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya - UVIC-UCC (Barcelona)

Lecturer in the Degree in Early Childhood Education. He is a Doctor of Philosophy (University of East Anglia, UK). Currently lecturer in the degree of Early Childhood Education at UVic-UCC and a teacher in the Master's (MA) Degree in Intermediterranean Mediation: economic integration and intercultural integration (MA MIM) Master's degree taught by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​Università Ca'Foscari (Venice) and Università Paul Valery (Montpellier). He is also teacher in the MA on Neuroeducation (Uvic-UCC). He has specialized in Aesthetic Theory, Philosophy of Art and Philosophy of Education. Belongs to the Education, Neurosciences, Experimentation and Learning Research Group (GRENEA)and is founder member and assessor of the Lab0_6: Discovery, Research and Documentation Centre for Science Education in Early Childhood. He is currently providing transference assessment from the Lab0_6 to museums, nurseries and universities and has published several book chapters on topics of Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Education and pedagogical practice. He has been published in Scientific journals such as Guix and Cuadernos de Pedagogía.


title of lecture
04/12 Lab (science early childhood) 3107, campus Jette 2pm - 5pm
05/12 Lab (science early childhood) 3107, campus Jette 10am - 1pm


Marian Van Popta & Ada Van Dalen

Marian Van Popta & Ada Van Dalen

Teacher trainer, researcher (Marian) and Educational advisor (Ada) at Marnix Academie (Utrecht)

Marian: "As researcher and educator in the professional masters at the Marnix Academy (Utrecht), I consider it my mission to let teachers develop themselves the inquisitive stance needed to provide good language education for all pupils. I am a linguist and as such, I see the great importance of language for the development of children in general and of newcomers in particular. I co-authored the Dutch guide for primary education about newcomers in primary schools. In 2017, we conducted an international case study on professionalization of teachers for newcomers education, for which Flanders was one of our cases, and the board of Erasmushogeschool our respondents.'

Ada: "Since the mid 90s, I'm involved in education for newcomers in primary schools. Nowadays, I'm an educator in post-initial trajectories at the Marnix Academy (Utrecht) on multilingualism, second language acquisition, and newcomers. In 2015, as a response to the large influx of newcomers, I developed a post-initial trajectory for experts in educating newcomers. I am a member of the 'Lectorinitiatief Professionalisering Taalonderwijs Nieuwkomers' (initiative of lecturers of professionalization in language education for newcomers). I co-authored the guide for primary education about newcomers in primary schools. In 2017, we conducted an international case study on professionalization of teachers for newcomers education, for which Flanders was one of our cases, and the board of Erasmushogeschool our respondents."

We start out from the ideas of Biesta on the three main tasks for good educators, namely qualification, socialization, and personal development. In this workshop, we take these tasks as perspectives to explore the far-reaching consequences for educating newcomers in general, and for language education to these pupils in particular. We will work on knowledge, attitude and skills for educating newcomers by experiencing what the (special) needs of these pupils demand from the teacher. 

title of lecture
05/12 OKAN Spiegelzaal, campus Jette 10am - 1pm



Piet Van de Craen

Piet Van de Craen

University professor at VUB (Brussels)

Piet Van de Craen's research is focus on multilingualism and multilingual education in a European and international perspective. He is co-founder of the European Language Council/Conseil européen pour les langues (1997) and is part of the board of this organisation. He had also co-founded an organisation promoting and assessing multilingual schools in Brussels, called STIMOB, i.e. stimulating multilingual education in Brussels (2001). I preside this group until today. 

title of lecture
05/12 Grootstedelijke problemen in het onderwijs en hoe ze op te lossen 4902, campus


Szilvia Golyán

Szilvia Golyán

Associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)

Szilvia Golyán is an Associate Professor at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary at the Department of Education/Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education. Holding a PhD in Education, MA in Education, BA in Primary Education, having obtained these degrees at Eötvös Loránd University. Her research areas are: transition from kindergarten to primary, hospital education; and pre-service teachers' motivations for entering pre-primary teacher education. 

title of lecture
04/12 Equity 3105, campus Jette 10am - 1pm
04/12 Equity 3105, campus Jette 2pm - 5pm
05/12 Equity 3105, campus Jette 10am - 1pm