Duch Language Requirements

Language requirements to start a bachelor

For a bachelor's degree, you must be able to demonstrate your command of Dutch at a minimum B2 level. This can be done in several ways:

  • demonstrating that you have successfully passed the exams of at least one year of study in Dutch-language secondary or higher education, or passing an examination in Dutch corresponding to level B2 of the European Framework of Reference. The following certificates are accepted:
  • Certificate B2 or NT2 level 5 from a university language center
  • Certificate Interuniversity Language Test Dutch for Non-native Speakers (ITNA)
  • Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT) - 'Profile Language Proficiency Higher Education' or 'Educative Startbekwaam'.
  • Certificate Centre Adult Education NT2 'Vantage' (level 3.2)
  • Certificate B2 issued by one of the following test centers
  • Successful State Exam NT2 program 2 (the Netherlands)